In the quiet hours of the night, when the world sleeps, many executives find themselves staring at the ceiling, wrestling with weight of their decisions that could make or break their organization. These aren't just routine business choices, but complex, high-stakes decisions that carry profound implications for their company, employees, and stakeholders.
Sometimes what keeps them awake are the thoughts around the decision making process (whether it was fool proof).
Sometimes, it is the mind going crazy with the permutations and combinations of the outcomes that are possible.
But most of the times, these are the things that the executive cannot do anything about, right at that moment when they should be sleeping.
Few things that can make the transition to sleep lot easier and reduce overthinking.
Thoughts transferred to paper (ideally) have the ability to free our mind space from over thinking. If something is bothering you on 'how the decision was made' or 'its outcomes', transfer your outstanding thoughts to paper and keep it away. Once the mind knows it is there for reference, it quietens down.
If a part of you is still anxious or angry or frustrated, acknowledge the emotion. Label it.
Notice where in your body you feel the emotion arise. Place your attention on it till it leaves and you are at ease. Take deep breaths and count your breath till you fall asleep.
Be grateful
What are the various things that contributed to get you to the place of making this decision?
What went well for you so far?
What were the unexpected surprises that you encountered during the course of this decision making?
How many times have you had the privilege of making decisions, that had such a profound impact?
What qualities in you brought you here as a leader that people trust?
Rest in the comfort of knowing that you-are-where-you-should-be and set intention for tomorrow.