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What is in it for me?

You may be wondering if coaching is right for you and may be looking for more information on the process. Below FAQ  gives you all that you need to get started. You can always opt for a free Demo session if you like to experience coaching rather than read about it.

Businessman Thinking

Commonly asked questions

Am I ready?

Most of my clients ask whether they are ready. Here are some pointers to help you.

  • You have a need to invest in your growth​.

  • You have a passion to make it happen for yourself.

  • You like to know yourself more.

  • You have rapport with the coach.

My ideal client

  • Experienced senior professionals who are passionate about creating impact.

  • Typical titles VP, Directors,CXO etc. even though for the right person I can create an exception.

  • Interested in doing the work for becoming someone of your choice.

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