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The Productivity Trap: How Relying solely on To-Do Lists Can Hold You Back


As a leader, I am ticking off nearly 90% of my to-do list. Yet my KPI achievement is not where I want it to be. My team does not look up to me. They view me as a resource manager. How can I be more successful & inspiring?
                         ~ Senior Leader, Financial Services

As a leader, your success is dependent on two different factors

  • Efficiency (Output Vs Input of time & resources)

  • Effectiveness (Actual Outcomes/ Impact Vs Intended outcomes/ Impact)

To-do lists have a bearing on Efficiency to a large extent.

They have some say on effectiveness as well if one does Quadrant 2 of the Eisenhower matrix ( Important, not urgent tasks)

However effectiveness relies heavily on who you are being while you do what you do.

The shift is from what to who. This is very important shift that needs to happen at senior leadership levels. Otherwise the productivity trap of relying solely on your to-do list will lead to less desirable outcomes.

In their book CEO Excellence, Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller & Vikram Malhotra articulate the 6 mindsets that distinguish the best leaders from the rest.

6 mindsets Mckinsey

Picture Courtesy:

The 6th mindset, called the 'Personal Effectiveness mindset' focusses on Leadership model which is to live your "To-be" list.

A leader lives their "to-be" list by

  • defining & choosing how they want to come across every day based on context - eg: strategic, empathetic, tough, etc

  • acting consistently in ways consistent with their value system

  • willing to adapt their style to organisation's needs

  • willing to continuously learn with feedback

  • providing direction & hope

The to-be list hinges on the consistency of the leader's character. It demonstrates who they are to the team, customers, and other stakeholders.

When a leader shows up this way, they are setting themselves up for success in their outcomes.

While the outcomes themselves are sometimes intangible, the leader breathes life into them by being who they are.

What are some of the practical ways one could live the 'to-be' list?

self aware

1. Self awareness: To make a choice of who you want to show up as, needs a lot of self-awareness of your strengths, values and shadow self. Understand yourself. If you find it hard to self-reflect, choose any personality assessment that would get you the starting point.

2. Self-disclosure: Sometimes, when a leader is new, they need to help stakeholders understand them instead of having to guess who they are. Be willing to share who you are and what you stand for.

3. Walking the talk: At all times, ensure your behaviour matches your best of intentions on who you want to be. If you miss on a bad day, be vulnerable to acknowledge that you could do better.


4. Own your weirdness: You may not be the "great leader" from the text book, yet you can be the best of who you can be (that includes your weirdness). Don't pretend to be someone who you are not.

5. Learn-Behave-Refine: Observe what works contextually and be willing to adapt yourself to the situation and people around you for the greater good.

What helps you be an effective leader?

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